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Welcome to Jaguar Consulting

We have been providing high-quality policy advice and consulting services to government departments and agencies, international organisations, industry associations, and private companies for over 20 years.  Our core expertise is in public policy and micro-economic analysis, particularly in relation to government regulation.  We focus on: 

  • Public policy research and analysis;
  • Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA);
  • Regulatory policy and regulatory reform; and
  • Competition policy.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, we have an international best-practice focus and have substantial experience working on projects in Europe, Asia and the Americas.  Founder and Principal Rex Deighton-Smith manages and provides the major input into all projects, while our network of associate consultants allow us to assemble multi-disciplinary teams as required to complete larger and more complex projects.  



Read our Work


Click on the links below to read examples of our work on the following topics;




Hear Rex Deighton-Smith speak


 The case for regulating ridehailing and dockless bicycles

International Transport Forum Roundtable, Beijing, November 2018


What is "better regulation" - and are we achieving it?

ANZSOG Annual Conference 2014


Critical success factors in regulatory reform - comparing two case studies

Toward Responsive Regulation and Regulatory Coherence in ASEAN Conference.  Kuala Lumpur, April 2015