
We can provide tailored training programs and supporting materials to help you develop your staff in key skill areas.  Rex has an extensive track record in developing and delivering training at a range of levels and to a wide variety of audiences, including:

  • Lecturing  in the Master of Regulatory Studies degree program at Monash University, including designing core subject units, developing teaching materials and undertaking student assessments; 
  • Providing training in an international context as an OECD consultant.  For example, he developed, and managed the delivery of, a three-day Competition Assessment Workshop in Jakarta for over 50 Indonesian officials drawn from the Indonesian Competition Authority (KPPU) and several government ministries;   
  • Providing training on regulatory impact assessment and related issues to officials of both the Victorian and Queensland governments;
  • Developing and publishing a suite of materials for Victorian government officials designed to enhance their understanding of RIA quality issues, better enable them to select and manage expert consultants and ensure the quality of the resulting documents; and
  • Delivering training on regulatory processes, as well as technical training in regulatory impact assessment.  As Director of the Office of Regulation Reform, he authored the RIS Handbook and delivered RIS training to hundreds of Victorian government officials.  He also assisted the VCEC in developing its current RIA training program.


We can also provide training in broader range of disciplines, including law, corporate governance and health sciences, through our network of associate consultants.  Please contact us for further details, or to discuss your needs.