About Us

Rex Deighton-Smith


Rex's academic background is in economics, a discipline he has applied in the public policy context for over 30 years.  His key areas of expertise include policy research and analysis, regulatory impact assessment, competition policy and stakeholder consultation. 


Rex founded Jaguar Consulting in 2000, and has worked in a wide range of policy areas at Federal, State, and international levels.  In particular, these include transport, health, human services, building and planning, and employment.


Rex has recently returned to consulting practice after five years spent working on transport policy reform for the OECD's International Transport Forum. He has previously worked in the OECD's Public Governance Directorate, specialising in regulatory policy and reform, and also served as the Director of the Victorian Government's Office of Regulation Reform. 


In addition to his government and consulting roles, Rex has contributed to the development of the academic discipline surrounding regulatory policy and governance. He was appointed as a founding member of the Advisory Board of Monash University's Centre for Regulatory Studies (now Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies), where he also lectured for many years in the Master of Regulatory Studies degree program.  His writings on regulatory policy and governance topics have been widely published internationally by specialist publishers and by international organisations including the OECD and the World Bank.


Key capacities


Rex is strongly focussed on ensuring that policy is underpinned by high-quality analysis of relevant research literature.  He is highly numerate and uses his strong research and data analysis skills to ensure that policy conclusions are firmly based.  Having completed over 80 regulatory impact analyses, he is particularly highly skilled in this area, including in the use of a wide range of assessment methodologies, such as benefit/cost analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, break-even analysis, risk-risk analysis, and multi-criteria analysis.


A fluent and persuasive author, Rex provides clear analyses of complex policy issues and communicates effectively with both specialist audiences and the general public.  He has extensive experience in all aspects of the public consultation process, including the development of consultation documents, presenting policy issues, facilitating workshops and discussion groups and distilling feedback into concise, informative reports for decision-makers.


Rex is also experienced in assembling and managing multi-disciplinary project teams to complete complex consulting projects.


Associate consultants


Our network of associate consultants allows us to assemble multi-disciplinary teams as required to complete larger and more complex projects.  Our associates can provide:

  • extensive expertise in economic analysis and public policy, including in developing country contexts;
  • high-level services in health science and policy, particularly in relation to drugs and poisons;
  • expertise in commercial, administrative and employment law, and
  • high-level corporate governance advice.


 Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


Our clients


We work for a wide range of clients across Federal and State government, international organisations, industry associations, and the private sector.  We pride ourselves on the high level of repeat business we obtain and have been working for several clients for over a decade.  The following lists a selection of our clients.  


Australian Government


Department of Employment, Australian Building Codes Board, National Transport Commission, National Competition Council.


Victorian Government


Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission, Energy Safe Victoria, Department of Justice, Department of Health, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR), Department of Treasury and Finance. Department of Planning and Community Development, Department of Primary Industries.


International Organisations


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC).




Australian Railways Association, Housing Industry Assocation, Parliamentary Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, United Energy, Psychology Board of Australia.